Thursday, May 27, 2004

Another Bydion Reminder

In just a few hours, Bydion 2004, the first ever ISSFF con devoted solely to books and writing, is set to begin. I'll be talking about stuff that looks like SF&F, but ISN'T, stuff that may not look like SF&F to some, but IS. And how both types impact the genre. Some lecture buzzwords: Slipstream, Sterling, Mieville. Be there, as I've been moved to the (LARGE) auditorium, and I'll feel very lonely in a mostly empty room.

Oh, and Gilly Bar Hillel, Gayle Hareven, Dr. Ilana Gomel, Ayelet Aloni, and several other great speakers will be there. Trust me.

And yeah, we happen to have an author Guest of Honor - Ireland's own Paul Kearney.

If you're not there, you hate books. And reading. And little children.

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