Thursday, January 27, 2005


What do you people think of the new color scheme? Better? Worse?

Edit: I've made it a little less white (white smoke instead of white). Comments?


Anonymous said...

Eeek. I can't say I like it. Kinda hurts my eyes.
But maybe I just need some time adjusting...


Anonymous said...

This is Dark Establishment, right?
How can the Dark Establishment not be dark? Or... Are you saying that while the establishment is indeed dark, compared to the alternatives it ispure and innocent? Or perhaps the whiteness and the "Dark" are supposed to contrast, highlighting the irony of the name? Or maybe it's just easier to read black on white? True, by the way. But kinda boring.

Anonymous said...

Why are you spamming with every entry? One link for the blog would have been enough, perhaps?

Didi said...

I'm trying to create categories for the blog, using a method suggested here: